Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hot and Cold. (angelajeanetteinjerusalem.blogspot.com for the Jerusalem blog!)

I have a feeling that my experience this summer will be somewhat hot and cold. I love being in Provo (who ever thought I would say that? Ever?), and I love my job. And yesterday was way fun. We had ward kickball for FHE and I met a lot of cool people in the ward.

Today is slow though. Got off work at 4, went and got a parking pass for my apartment, checked the requirements to renew my licence... (I'll do that tomorrow, I believe...), and then I got something to eat, since I didn't really have a lunch break, and I didn't eat breakfast (bad, I know). After that I came back to my apartment.

Nobody is here, and it's a little weird. And I'd prefer if only Ashley came home at this point...I don't know my other roommates that well.

And ironically, as soon as I typed that up, one of my other roommates walked in the door. We just chatted and she seems really nice. I'm glad she came in, cause I was starting to get a little apprehensive about how it would go with two girls I didn't know. I did that last semester and it definitely didn't work out very well, unfortunately.

Work today was good. Lots of advising happened. It was the first day of Spring Term, so there were a lot of students that came in and were rearranging schedules and getting advisement and etc. It was a good day though. Stephen, a guy who works in the office but graduated so he won't be there for much longer, came in today to train me on forms. I get to be the one to change people's majors and do class requests and stuff. So there you go. I feel like Kristen McGregor, my boss, trusts me, which is really nice. Hopefully I keep doing a good job.

To anyone who is still interested in my life, even though I'm no longer blogging about cool Jerusalem Stuff, thank you :). Love you family.

P.S. I will hopefully keep blogging about Galilee sometime!

1 comment:

  1. You should really blog more often...I was expecting a little more.
